For quite a while, whenever our son would fall, it worked to shout "horray!" or cheer for him. However, there were a few times that it didn't - a big bump or bruise would cause the natural reaction of crying.
We dealt with this as best we could, but were entertained by a story told to us by a friend of ours. We chuckled at first - entertained by the thought that something so simple could be so effective.
And then it happened. A tumble while playing lightsabers
So we tried The Special.
"Buddy, do you want The Special?" Confused, teary eyes looked back at me.
"The Special?" A pause... and then a nod.
With a flourish, I pulled my hands up out of their sleeves. I began rubbing them together quickly, building friction and warmth between my hands. After 10 to 15 seconds I pulled them apart and put one hand on his cheek and ear, and the other hand on the skinned knee.
There was instant silence.
I don't know if it was the warmth, the process, or the attention, but there was no more crying! To this day we use The Special (and try not to overuse it).